1. Hash Table Basics

1.1 Motivation

Associated Container (aka, Map, Dictionary) is an Abstract Data Type (ADT) composed of a collection of key-value pairs, such that each possible key appears at most once in the collection. Operations associated with such ADT allow:

  • the addition of a pair to the collection
  • the removal of a pair from the collection
  • the modification of an existing pair
  • the lookup of a value associated with a particular key

Such ADT can be implemented by Hash Table or Tree data structure.

1.2 Big Picture and Concepts

Big Picture

  1. Calculate the slot location in hash table by key
  2. Resolve collision by chaining or open addressing

Hash Table Big Picture

注:为什么是key-value pair而不是value?因为要处理collision。


  • Hash Function: calculate slot location of hash table by key
  • Collision: more than one keys maps to the same slot location in the hash table
  • Chaining: a method to resolve collision
  • Open Addressing: a method to resolve collision

2. Hash Function

2.1 What is a good hash function?

A good hash function satisfies the assumption of simple uniform hashing: each key is equally likely to hash to any of the \(m\) slots, independently of where any other key has hashed to.

2.2 Common Hash Functions

  • Divide Method
  • Multiplication Method
  • Universal Hashing

3. Resolve Collision

3.1 Chaining


3.2 Open Addressing


4. std::hash and std::unordered_map

2.3.1 std::hash

cppreference - std::hash

template<typename Key>
struct hash;

std::hash是一个模板类,同时也是一个Functor,提供了operator()方法,返回size_t类型的slot location。

STl中对不同类型的Key做了特化处理: std::hash

2.3.2 user defined hash function

C++中自定义hash function一般是自己写std::hash的特化,主要就是重写operator()的逻辑。 TODO

2.3.3 std::unordered_map