1. The Role of Lexer

Compiler第一阶段的工作是Lexical Analysis,对应模块被称为Lexical Analyzer (aka. Lexer, 词法分析器)。Lexer的输入为Source Code,它将Source Code看作是”A stream of characters”;Lexer的工作主要是识别出Source Code满足特定Pattern的Lexeme,并将其转化成为后级模块Parser可识别的Tokens

Input of lexer A stream of characters
Output of lexer A stream of tokens

1.1 Lexeme vs. Token

Lexeme: A sequence of characters in the source program that matches the pattern for a token and is identified by the lexical analyzer as an instance of token.

Token: A token is a pair consisting of a token name and an optional attribute value.

Token Name代表了Token的类别,例如identifier, keyword;Token Attribute是Token在编译过程中必要的属性,例如identifier的type和localtion。在Compiler系列文章中,除非特殊说明,Token和Token Name会混用。

1.2 [Example] A simplified Lexer


Token Examples
keyword if, else
id (identifier) pi, score
number 3.1415926
literal “core dump”
assign_op =
multi_op *
exp_op **


E = M * C ** 2

Lexer仅仅将上述代码看作是A stream of characters:

'E' ' ' '=' ' ' 'M' ' ' 'C' ' ' '*' '*' ' ' '2'

并将其解析成为A stream of tokens:

<id, pointer to symbol-table entry for E>
<assign op>
<id, pointer to symbol-table entry for M>
<mult op>
<id, pointer to symbol-table entry for C>
<exp op>
<number, integer value 2>

2. Languages and Its Operations

2.1 Definitions


An alphabet is any finite set of symbols. Typical examples of symbols are letters, digits, and punctuation. ASCII is an important example of an alphabet; Unicode, which includes approximately \(100,000\) characters from alphabets around the world, is another important example of an alphabet.


A string over an alphabet is a finite sequence of symbols drawn from that alphabet. In language theory, the terms sentence and word are often used as synonyms for string. The length of a string s, usually written \(\vert s\vert\), is the number of occurrences of symbols in \(s\). For example, banana is a string of length six. The empty string, denoted \(\epsilon\), is the string of length zero.


A language is any countable set of strings over some fixed alphabet. This definition is very broad. Abstract languages like \(\phi\), the empty set, or \(\{\epsilon\}\), the set containing only the empty string, are languages under this definition. So too are the set of all syntactically well-formed C programs and the set of all grammatically correct English sentences, although the latter two languages are difficult to specify exactly. Note that the definition of language does not require that any meaning be ascribed to the strings in the language. Methods for defining the meaning of strings are discussed in Chapter 5 of Dragon Book.

总结来说,我们首先需要一个字符集Alphabet,在此之上定义String,而Language是String的一个Countable Set(Measure Theory中一个概念,不必纠结)。

2.2 Operations on Languages

Operations Definition and Notations
Union of \(L\) and \(M\) \(L\bigcup M=\{s\ \vert\ s\) is in \(L\) or \(s\) is in \(M\}\)
Concatenation of \(L\) and \(M\) \(LM=\{st\ \vert\ s\) is in \(L\) and \(t\) is in \(M\}\)
Kleene closure of \(L\) \(L^*=\bigcup^{\infty}_{i=0}L^i\)
Positive closure of \(L\) \(L^+=\bigcup^{\infty}_{i=1}L^i\)

可以看到,Operations on Languages仅仅是一些集合操作,下面直接贴出Dragon Book中的例子读者就应该理解了。

2.2.1 Example from Dragon Book

Let \(L\) be the set of letters \(\{A, B, ..., Z, a, b, ..., z\}\) and let \(D\) be the set of digits \(\{1, 2, ..., 9\}\). We may think of \(L\) and \(D\) in two, essentially equivalent, ways. One way is that \(L\) and \(D\) are, respectively, the alphabets of uppercase and lowercase letters and of digits. The second way is that \(L\) and \(D\) are languages, all of whose strings happen to be of length one. Here are some other languages that can be constructed from languages \(L\) and \(D\).

Operations Definition and Notations
\(L\bigcup D\) the set of letters and digits – strictly speaking the language with 62 strings of length one, each of which strings is either one letter or one digit.
\(LD\) the set of 520 strings of length two, each consisting of one letter followed by one digit.
\(L^4\) the set of all 4-letter strings.
\(L^*\) the set of all strings of letters, including ϵ, the empty string.
\(L(L\bigcup D)\) the set of all strings of letters and digits beginning with a letter.
\(D^+\) the set of all strings of one or more digits.

3. Regular Expression

3.1 Regular Expression Basics

Regular Expression是每个程序员应该掌握的基本功,这里不展开介绍了。对于想要学习Regular Expression的人这里推荐一本书:Introducing Regular Expressions,和一个正则表达式的练习工具:Expressions (MacOS)。

3.2 Regular Expression在Lexer中的应用

Lexer使用Regular Expression作为Pattern识别输入(A sequence of characters)中的lexeme,并将其转化成为token。

3.3 Regular Language

每个Regular Expression \(r\)都对应了一个Language \(L(r)\)。前面说过,Language仅仅是String的可数集合,每个Regular Expression表达了一组String,这一组String就可以构成一个Language。使用Regular Expression 定义的Language被称为Regular Language,在后面介绍Parser的文章中,我们会了解到Language也可以由由Context-Free Grammaa定义,到时候会对比这两种Language在表达能力上的不同。

4. The Lexical-Analyzer Generator: Lex