1. The Role of Parser

Lexer的职责是将”A stream of characters”转化成为”A stream of tokens”,Parser是Lexer的后级,负责赋予 “A stream of tokens”以语法结构,通常为Parse Tree,然后将Parse Tree交给Compiler Front End的剩余部分处理。 注意,逻辑上Syntax Analysis阶段只是赋予”A stream of tokens”以语法结构,该结构并不包含任何语义(Semantic)信息, 例如类型信息。

一共有三种类型的Parser:universal, top-down, bottom-up。universal类型的Parser可以解析任何 grammar,但是效率不高;top-down parser自顶(root)向下(leaves)构建Parse Tree,bottom-up parser自底 (leaves)向上(root)构建Parse Tree,二者只能处理grammar的子集,但是对于现代编程语言来说已经足够描述语法结构了。

2. Context-Free Grammar

Grammar用来描述Language的Syntax,Syntax更抽象,Grammar更具体,在Compiler系列文章的Parser上下文中有时会混用 二者。这里介绍一种常见的Grammar:Context-Free Grammar

2.1 Definition of Context-Free Grammar

A Context-Free Grammar consists of terminials, nonterminals, a start symbol and productions.


Terminals are the basic symbols from which strings are formed. The term token name is a synonym for terminal and frequently we will use the word token for terminal when it is clear that we are talking about just the token name.


Nonterminals are syntactic variables that denote sets of strings. Nonterminals impose a hierarchical structure on the language that is key to syntax analysis and translation.

Start Symbol

In a grammar, one nonterminal is distinguished as the start symbol, and the set of strings it denotes is the language generated by the grammar. Conventionally, the productions for the start symbol are listed rst.


The productions of a grammar specify the manner in which the terminals and nonterminals can be combined to form strings. Each production consists of:

  1. A nonterminal called the head or left side of the production; this production defines some of the strings denoted by the head.
  2. The symbol \(\rightarrow\) Sometimes \(::=\) has been used in place of the arrow.
  3. A body or right side consisting of zero or more terminals and nonterminals. The components of the body describe one way in which strings of the nonterminal at the head can be constructed.

如果一个”A sequence of grammar symbol (S)”满足某个grammar (G),我们就说S is a setence of G.


[例1] the grammar defines if-else statements
\[\begin{aligned} stmt\ &\rightarrow\ \boldsymbol{if}\ (expr)\ \ stmt\ \ \boldsymbol{else}\ \ stmt \\ expr\ &\rightarrow\ ... \end{aligned}\]

这个grammar定义了一个if-else statement

  • start symbol为\(stmt\);
  • \(stmt\)和\(expr\)为nonterminals;
  • \(\boldsymbol{if}\)和\(\boldsymbol{else}\)作为keyword是terminals;


if (cond)
  // do something
  // do something

is a setence of this grammar,回车换行符已经在Lexical Analysis阶段处理。

[例2] the grammar defines simple arithmetic expressions
\[\begin{aligned} E\ &\rightarrow\ E\ +\ E\ \vert\ E\ *\ E\ \vert\ -E\ \vert\ (\ E\ )\ \vert\ \boldsymbol{id}\\ \end{aligned}\]

这个grammar定义了简单的arithmetic expressions。

  • start symbol为\(E\);
  • \(E\)、\(term\)为nonterminals;
  • \(\boldsymbol{id}\)、operator \(+\)、\(*\)为terminals;

arithemetic expression

5 * 2 + 3

is a setence of this grammar.

2.2 Derivations and Parse Tree

2.2.1 Derivations

Derivation指的是遵循某种Grammar逐步将production head替换成为production body的过程。

Notations: \(\Rightarrow\), \(\overset{*}{\Rightarrow}\) and \(\overset{+}{\Rightarrow}\)


Consider a nonterminal \(A\) in the middle of a sequence of grammar symbols, as in \(\alpha A\beta\), where \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) are arbitrary strings of grammar symbols. Suppose \(A\ \rightarrow\ \gamma\) is a production. Then, we write \(\alpha A\beta\ \Rightarrow\ \alpha\gamma\beta\). The symbol \(\Rightarrow\) means “derives in one step”. When a sequence of derivation steps \(\alpha_1\ \Rightarrow\ \alpha_2\ \Rightarrow\ ...\ \Rightarrow\ \alpha_n\) rewrites \(\alpha_1\) to \(\alpha_n\), we say \(\alpha_1\) derives \(\alpha_n\). We use \(\overset{*}{\Rightarrow}\) to denote “derives in zero or more steps” and \(\overset{+}{\Rightarrow}\) to denote “derives in one or more steps”.

Leftmost Derivations and Rightmost Derivations: \(\underset{lm}{\Rightarrow}\) and \(\underset{rm}{\Rightarrow}\)
  • In leftmost derivations, the leftmost nonterminal in each sentential is always chosen which is denoted by \(\underset{lm}{\Rightarrow}\);
  • In rightmost derivations (aka. canonical derivations), the rightmost nonterminal is always chosen which is denoted by \(\underset{rm}{\Rightarrow}\);

以上面的[例2] simple arithmetic expression语法为例讲解本节讲到的notations:

\[\begin{aligned} E\ &\rightarrow\ E\ +\ E\ \vert\ E\ *\ E\ \vert\ -E\ \vert\ (\ E\ )\ \vert\ \boldsymbol{id} \\ \end{aligned}\]

\(-(\boldsymbol{id} + \boldsymbol{id})\) is a setence of simple arighemetic grammar, we can derive from start symbol \(E\) to this setence in two different processes:

\[\begin{aligned} E\ \underset{lm}{\Rightarrow}\ -E \underset{lm}{\Rightarrow}\ -(E + E) \underset{lm}{\Rightarrow}\ -(\boldsymbol{id} + E) \underset{lm}{\Rightarrow}\ -(\boldsymbol{id} + \boldsymbol{id}) \\ \end{aligned}\]


\[\begin{aligned} E\ \underset{rm}{\Rightarrow}\ -E \underset{rm}{\Rightarrow}\ -(E + E) \underset{rm}{\Rightarrow}\ -(E + \boldsymbol{id}) \underset{rm}{\Rightarrow}\ -(\boldsymbol{id} + \boldsymbol{id}) \\ \end{aligned}\]

注意在第三次derive的时候,leftmost derivation先derive的是左侧的\(E\),而rightmost derivation先derive的是右侧的\(E\)。

2.2.2 Parse Tree