Python/C Integration
- Python调用C/C++,在本文称之为Extending Python with C/C++;
- C/C++调用Python,在本文称之为Embedding Python in C/C++;
Ⅰ. Extending Python with C/C++
- C Extension Module: 定义函数
- C Extension Type: 定义类
1. C Extension Module
1.1 All by Hand
Python解释器与.so动态库的交互方式非常简单,直接import然后把它当做是普通的Python Module即可。例如,可以直接import hello即可使用。
* hello.c
* A simple C extension module for Python, called "hello"; compile
* this into a ".so" on python path, import and call hello.message;
#include <Python.h>
#include <string.h>
/* module functions */
static PyObject *message(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
char *fromPython, result[1024];
// convert Python -> C
if (!PyArg_Parse(args, "(s)", &fromPython)) {
return NULL; // null = raise exception
} else {
strcpy(result, "Hello, ");
strcat(result, fromPython);
// convert C -> Python
return Py_BuildValue("s", result);
/* registration table */
static PyMethodDef hello_methods[] = {
{"message", message, METH_VARARGS, "func doc"}, // name, &func, fmt, doc
{NULL, NULL, 0, NULL} // end of table marker
/* module definition structure */
static struct PyModuleDef hellomodule = {
PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT, "hello", // name of module
"mod doc", // module documentation, may be NULL
-1, // size of per-interpreter module state, -1 = in global vars
hello_methods // link to methods table
/* module initializer */
PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit_hello() { return PyModule_Create(&hellomodule); }
export PY_INCLUDE=/usr/include/python3.6
gcc hello.c -I${PY_INCLUDE} -fPIC -shared -o
之后将hello.so当做是普通的Python Module使用:
>>> import hello
>>> hello.message("World")
'Hello, World'
>>> dir(hello)
['__doc__', '__file__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__', 'message']
1.2 Use SWIG
* hellolib.h
* Define hellolib.c exports to the C namespace, not to Python
* programs--the latter is defined by a method registration
* table in a Python extension module's code, not by this .h;
extern char *message(char *label);
* hellolib.c
* A simple C library file, with a single function, "message",
* which is to be made available for use in Python programs.
* There is nothing about Python here--this C function can be
* called from a C program, as well as Python (with glue code).
#include <string.h>
#include <hellolib.h>
static char result[1024];
char *message(char *label) {
strcpy(result, "Hello, ");
strcat(result, label);
return result;
* hellolib.i
* Swig module description file, for a C lib file.
* Generate by saying "swig -python hellolib.i".
%module hellowrap
#include <hellolib.h>
extern char *message(char*); /* or: %include "../HelloLib/hellolib.h" */
/* or: %include hellolib.h, and use -I arg */
swig -python hello.i
gcc hello.c hello_wrap.c -I${PY_INCLUDE} -I. -fPIC -shared -o
使用,直接import hello即可,hello.py回链接
>>> import hello
>>> hello.message("World")
'Hello, World'
2. C Extension Type
2.1 All by hand
2.2 Use SWIG
// number.h
class Number {
Number(int start); // constructor
~Number(); // destructor
void add(int value); // update data member
void sub(int value);
int square(); // return a value
void display(); // print data member
int data;
// number.cpp
#include "number.h"
#include "stdio.h"
Number::Number(int num) {
data = num; // python print goes to stdout
printf("Number: %d\n", num); // or: cout << "Number: " << data << endl;
Number::~Number() { printf("~Number: %d\n", data); }
void Number::add(int value) {
data += value;
printf("add %d\n", value);
void Number::sub(int value) {
data -= value;
printf("sub %d\n", value);
int Number::square() {
return data * data; // if print label, fflush(stdout) or cout << flush
void Number::display() { printf("Number=%d\n", data); }
* number.i
* Swig module description file for wrapping a C++ class.
* Generate by running "swig -c++ -python number.i".
* The C++ module is generated in file number_wrap.cxx;
* module 'number' refers to the shadow class.
%module number
#include "number.h"
%include number.h
编译与使用过程与C Extending Module移植。
Ⅱ. Embedding Python in C/C++